Crested Herbi [herbi Fossil] (Mutation)
A Herbi Mutation from eating a snack holding prehistoric extinct otherworldly DNA. This trait gives plumes large layered crests (1-4 crests) with spiked edges. These are far more durable and shield like. They also get strong balancing tails, smooth back feet and mask horns (Up to 3 horns).
Only by using a Herbi Fossil Snack
half and half [Terra] (Mutation)
Terraglass also known as Terra. This mutation turns the back half of a plume fully glass. Including their cloaks, tails, and legs. Assuming their tails or legs are not affected by a mutation in which case a fusion coin needs to be used.
Terraglass is a trait that turns parts of the plumerian's body into glass. They cannot be combined with other mutations, glow or glitter. They must be transparent glass of any color. And cannot be combined with other glass mutations. Use of another Terraglass mutation would override the current form.
Stained Glass [Terra] (Mutation)
Terraglass also known as Terra. This mutation creates colorful glass shapes in thin parts of a plume (Wings, flat tails, cloaks etc). Assuming they are not affected by a mutation in which there would need to use a fusion item.
Terraglass is a trait that turns parts of the plumerian's body into glass. They cannot be combined with other mutations, glow or glitter. They must be transparent glass of any color. And cannot be combined with other glass mutations. Use of another Terraglass mutation would override the current form.
Under Glass [Terra] (Mutation)
Terraglass also known as Terra. This mutation turns the underside of a plume from their neck down to the tip of their tail into glass. Assuming that their tail and body is not affected by another mutation, otherwise a fusion item is needed.
Terraglass is a trait that turns parts of the plumerian's body into glass. They cannot be combined with other mutations, glow or glitter. They must be transparent glass of any color. And cannot be combined with other glass mutations. Use of another Terraglass mutation would override the current form.
Glass Leggies [Terra] (Mutation)
Terraglass also known as Terra. This mutation turns a plume's legs into glass, including their shoulders and sometimes their hips and a shoulder pair of wings. Assuming the wings are not a mutation and nothing else is effected by a mutation.
Terraglass is a trait that turns parts of the plumerian's body into glass. They cannot be combined with other mutations, glow or glitter. They must be transparent glass of any color. And cannot be combined with other glass mutations. Use of another Terraglass mutation would override the current form.
Core Glass [Terra] (Mutation)
Terraglass also known as Terra. This mutation turns the front half from their neck down to their front legs and front shoulders into glass. Assuming nothing is affected by a mutation in which you'd need a fusion item to combine them.
Terraglass is a trait that turns parts of the plumerian's body into glass. They cannot be combined with other mutations, glow or glitter. They must be transparent glass of any color. And cannot be combined with other glass mutations. Use of another Terraglass mutation would override the current form.
Undead Fish Tail [Haunted + Aqua] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Haunted + Aqua), that creates Undead Fish Tail and fins. These appear as fish bones that may or may not still have fish flesh. Anywhere from fish skeleton to fish zombie in appearence. They can be practical or Ornamental fish like in style.
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
Seadragon Traits [Enchanted + Aqua] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Enchanted + Aqua), that creates water dragon traits shown. Back fins (1-2 rows), and a long finned dragon like tail that is always scaled and at the length of the tail would be normally.
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
Crustacean Traits [Enchanted + Aqua] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Enchanted + Aqua), that creates Crustacean like tails and antenna. Shrimp, Lobster and Crawfish like tails and feelers are all free domain. They are known as the Fae of the sea!
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
WaterFlower Growth [Aqua + Plant] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Plant Growth + Aqua), that creates waterflower, waterlily and lilypad type plants to grow and float on the plume as if in water.
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
Reef Growth [Aqua + Plant] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Plant Growth + Aqua), that creates Coral Reef and Anemone type growths on Plumerains
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
Seaweed Growth [Aqua + Plant] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Plant Growth + Aqua), that creates seagrass, seaweed, and other types of water weeds to grow on a plumerian and flow as if in water.
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
Enchanted Mushroom Growth [Enchanted + Plant] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Enchanted + Plant Growth), that creates glowing magical forest type fungus and mushrooms to grow on plumes
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
Enchanted Floral Growth [Enchanted + Plant] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Enchanted + Plant Growth), that creates Glowing and fictional flowers to grow on a plume as they might with a normal plant growth
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
Crystal Plant Growth [Crystal + Plant] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Crystal Growth + Plant Growth), that creates crystaline flowers and leaves to grow on a plume that appear the color/style of the plume's Chii
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
Enchanted Petals [Enchanted + Plant] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Enchanted + Plant Growth), that creates a constant air around a plume filled with flower petals or leaf petals that can glow. These petals fade away fairly quickly after the plume leaves an area and appear to enjoy the plume's presence.
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
Internal Plantgrowth [Haunted + Plant] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Haunted + Plant Growth), that creates internal flower and plant growth. These usually form as vines, or flowers. They can appear healthy or decayed but usually appear only in wounded areas, or open patches, on exposed bones as a part of any undead or skeletal mutation.
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
Plant Decay [Haunted + Plant] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Haunted + Plant Growth), that creates mold, and decayed/dead or whithered plants to grow on a plume.
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
Divine Fae Wings [Enchanted + Divine] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Enchanted + Divine), that creates Glowing ficitonal butterfly/bug type wings that float off the plume with a smaller set of wings on their backs. These wings glow with a divine aura and cannot be injured or touched by other plumes. The larger set can appear and disappear at will.
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item
Sea Dragon Fins [Enchanted + Aqua] (Special Mutation)
A Fusion Mutation (Enchanted + Aqua), that creates water dragon traits shown. This creates guiding fins along the back of the Draco's neck and behind their ears. As well as side fins that attach to their front arms and run along their belly.
Only by using both potions & a Fusion Item