<a href="https://plumeriaarpg.net/world/items?name=Impressionable Clay" class="display-item">Impressionable Clay</a>

Impressionable Clay

Category: Breedables

Rarity: 4

Artist: GentleLarke

Resale Value: 60 Love Shell Piece


An item made of magically gifted clay from the Skycloak named Sea. This clay has a will to live and grows fond around love. In this presence they will take a form similar to the one who loves them.


Grants one MYO baby breeding between one or two parent plumes of any species. When asking for use mods will roll the species, traits, mutations and curses/blessings for you when making their card.
- 25% chance of becoming an ancient/legendary class Plumerian if one parent is that class
- 50/50 on whether they will become the species of one parent over another. (Such as having a sucat parent and a dracokai parent)
- 10% chance of obtaining a curse or blessing
- 50% chance of obtaining each mutation (Rolled seperately for each mutation). 75% chance if both parents have the mutation

You may commission another artist to design the baby. Like any design must be approved before being finalized.