Bald Coadle [Crest] (Restricted)
Coadle Crests are mandatory and can only be damaged temporarily. They give coadles expression, protection and are part of their general body.
Balanced Coadle [Crest] (Common)
Coadle Crests are mandatory and can only be damaged temporarily. They give coadles expression, protection and are part of their general body.
Balanced Crests are exactly 3 in number and are all about the same size layered over top of each other.
Uneven Coadle [Crest] (Uncommon)
Coadle Crests are mandatory and can only be damaged temporarily. They give coadles expression, protection and are part of their general body.
Uneven Crests are usually unbalanced and can be 3 or 4 layers. If 4 they can be balanced and are a little less typical.
Epic Coadle [Crest] (Rare)
Coadle Crests are mandatory and can only be damaged temporarily. They give coadles expression, protection and are part of their general body.
Epic Crests are even and have 3 layers. They will often have 1-3 small to long length feathers on each side of their head growing behind their ears on their clay. These feathers are not true feathers and are made of the same material as their clay.
Hybrid Coadle Clay [Crest] (Fusion Rare)
Coadle Crests are mandatory and can only be damaged temporarily. They give coadles expression, protection and are part of their general body.
Hybrid Crests can be even or uneven, have 3-4 layers. They will often have 1-3 small to medium length feathers on each side of their head growing behind their ears on their clay. These feathers are not true feathers and are made of the same material as their clay.
Royal Coadle [Crest] (Restricted)
Coadle Crests are mandatory and can only be damaged temporarily. They give coadles expression, protection and are part of their general body.
Royal Crests are even or uneven and have 4-6 layers. They will often have 1-3 small to medium length feathers on each side of their head growing behind their ears on their clay. These feathers are not true feathers and are made of the same material as their clay. They can also have mask like quills that are very sharp and often metallic/shiny. And between the layers of the crests there is often smaller clay feathers growing inbetween for extra decoration.
Royal & Royal Heir only!